Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Online Portfolio Prep - Video Demos

Every artist and design needs to record their work in a portfolio. A simple way to do this is to prepare pages as images in Photoshop, save them as Adobe PDF format, then use Adobe Acrobat Professional to put the pages together and add links. Text directions complement the video explanations below.


1. Adjusting warped photos (14MB, 2min) OR
YouTube version

2. Correcting poor lighting (22MB, 3min)

Adobe Acrobat Professional PDF

1. Adding pages (10MB, 2 min)

2. Linking Pages (20 MB, 4 min)

I've experimented with making these video demos using Camtasia software. It lets you record the screen and then edit it and add titles, etc. To get a useful result takes a lot of practice and still there are little audio blips that I'm having trouble editing out.